Tips Archives - Running Loving Living Blog About Healthy Life Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:53:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips Archives - Running Loving Living 32 32 Ideal Product Review Is… Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:53:15 +0000 In this article, we will explore the multiple types of product overviews and how they can be helpful to consumers. For instance, Golden Crown casino review is an expert overview made by online casino professionals who have specialist expertise in gambling. It’s a type of content that comes from an individual with expertise in the product group. Product overviews are a precious part of the consumer decision-making process, and can…

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In this article, we will explore the multiple types of product overviews and how they can be helpful to consumers. For instance, Golden Crown casino review is an expert overview made by online casino professionals who have specialist expertise in gambling. It’s a type of content that comes from an individual with expertise in the product group.

Product overviews are a precious part of the consumer decision-making process, and can influence purchase decisions. So what’s the best type? The answer may surprise you!

The most common type of product overview is the descriptive one. This kind of review tells you about a product in detail, and offers detailed specifications on things like color, size, weight and so on. These overviews can be helpful for people who should know every last detail about a product before buying it.

In a study by Mercator Research Institute on behalf of Rakuten, it was found that descriptive reviews were considered to be more credible than comparative or expert reviews. In fact, many consumers said they prefer reading user overviews over expert ones because they feel as though those users have had similar experiences with the product and could provide useful advice for them.

Comparative reviews are also popular among consumers. They compare two or more products side-by-side in order to show their advantages and disadvantages over each other.

Influencer reviews come from people who have a following on social media sites like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok.

Product Review Tips

If you’re an aspiring blogger, a product reviewer, or just someone who loves to share their thoughts on the internet then you’ll want to know these tips from bloggers in different fields. These are some of the best tips we found when researching and interviewing bloggers.

#1 Lifestyle Bloggers Should Avoid Pseudo-Science Conclusion in Product Reviews

There is a new breed of ‘health experts’ on the rise: lifestyle bloggers. They are everywhere, and they’re taking over. From gluten-free diets to detoxes, these people are telling you how to live your life from their home office desk. The problem is that many bloggers lack professional experience or expertise in anything other than social media savvy and don’t cite sources for their advice. But even if we assume that all lifestyle bloggers have some background knowledge, it’s not really enough. Just share your experience and nothing more.

#2 Do Not Sugarcoating The Truth About Product

Many of us rely on social media influencers for product reviews. However, a recent article published in the Atlantic by Derek Thompson points out that these “micro-influencers” are being used as pawns to market products and companies with a hidden agenda. 

This is especially true when it comes to makeup, food or healthy products. Influencer bloggers may have been offered free items in exchange for promotion but there is also the chance that they were asked to promote specific brands without even knowing what are the drawbacks. Be different, be an unbiased reviewer.

#3 Start with Pain Points

Do you ever feel like your product reviews read like a high school essay? I mean, you know the ones: they are full of fluff with nothing to say. If so, it’s time to rethink your introduction. Avoid generic introductions that include information about yourself or the company you work for and focus on what is relevant to the listener — the advantages of using your product and how it will solve their pain points. Your intro should draw attention and give context.

#4 Get Needed Qualifications

The food industry is booming with new health trends and it’s no surprise that there are more dietitians in demand than ever. If you’re considering a career as a registered dietitian, then here are some things to consider before deciding what level of qualifications to pursue – Dietitians Board registration and practicing certificate as a minimum in New Zealand.


You are a blogger and want to share your thoughts on wellness. But what does that entail? Well, it’s about so much more than just food! Here is our guide to being a successful wellness blogger: 

  • Choose an area of expertise;
  • Start with research;
  • Find your niche by researching popular blogs in the field;
  • Narrow down your blog posts to one or two topics per day and post content consistently.

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7 Ways to Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle Fri, 23 Jul 2021 08:28:09 +0000 Healthy living is not only important for your health, it also has a big impact on the quality of your life. There are many different ways to live healthily, and this blog will cover 10 ways that you can achieve a healthy lifestyle! Drink more water Drinking more water has many health benefits. It can help you lose weight, clear up your skin and acne, improve energy levels and concentration,…

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Healthy living is not only important for your health, it also has a big impact on the quality of your life. There are many different ways to live healthily, and this blog will cover 10 ways that you can achieve a healthy lifestyle!

Drink more water

Drinking more water has many health benefits. It can help you lose weight, clear up your skin and acne, improve energy levels and concentration, prevent kidney stones (by preventing the loss of important minerals), just to name a few! Drinking at least two liters per day is recommended. Some people drink even more than that in order to feel better or do things such as detoxing their body which we will discuss later on.

– Try adding lemon juice to make it taste better if plain water isn’t appealing enough.

– Drink herbal tea instead of coffee or soda if you are looking for an alternative way to get caffeine without having any consequences like dental health problems or headaches from drinking too many caffeinated drinks over time.

Eat healthy food

Eating healthily can come with a lot of health benefits, as well. Eating more fruits and vegetables will help you have clearer skin, better immune system health, less risk for certain chronic diseases like heart disease or stroke, improved energy levels, and mental clarity (it even helps some people sleep better!), just to name a few! There are lots of ways that it is possible to eat healthy food – from going vegetarian/vegan all the way up to eating super-healthy foods such as quinoa every once in a while.

– Make sure your diet has at least two servings of fruit per day.

– Swap out one sugary drink each week for water or an equally healthy alternative; this means cutting back on sugar intake overall.

Consume less salt and sugar

Eating healthily means that you need to be mindful of what foods are high in salt and sugar. High sodium intake is linked with health problems like heart disease, stroke, obesity, osteoporosis, and stomach cancer; not consuming enough sodium can lead to health issues such as muscle cramps or low blood pressure. The same goes for sugar – too much will lead to tooth decay or diabetes (depending on how often you consume it) while eating less than a certain amount might make your mood worse or cause weight gain over time.

– Make sure all the food labels have some form of nutritional information.

– Try making healthier versions of meals by substituting ingredients for ones that are lower in fat content but still taste good! For example: instead of using butter, use olive oil.

– Try to avoid food with high sugar content such as soda or baked goods.

– If you are going grocery shopping in the middle of a craving for something sweet, try getting fruit instead – it will satisfy your cravings and is still healthful!

Get a fitness tracker

If you’re struggling to get enough hours of physical activity each day, a fitness tracker might be the best accessory for you. These popular health and fitness gadgets come with many benefits such as tracking your steps taken during the day or monitoring sleep patterns. They also help motivate people by showing how much progress they make!

– Wear it on your wrist so that it is always visible (this way it will not get lost easily).

– Look up ways to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine.

– Try going for walks at various times throughout the week instead of just doing them all on weekends – this can give you temporary health boosts when used regularly while also preventing other health issues from occurring without any red flags appearing first.

Track your steps

One of the most important health benefits is to track your steps. This will help you find out how much physical activity you are actually getting in a day and can motivate people to do more!

Try going for walks at various times throughout the week instead of just doing them on weekends, as we discussed earlier. This trick can give temporary health boosts while also preventing other health issues from occurring without any red flags appearing first.

– Place it as close as possible next to where you sleep so that you know if there are any time periods during the night where no movement was detected (this could mean trouble with sleeping).

– Make sure not all of your steps come from driving – this might be one less thing that contributes towards an inactive lifestyle!

Don’t smoke

Smoking is not only bad for your health, but it also costs a lot of money. Think about how much you can save if you quit smoking – and the health benefits too!

Consider whether there are any health issues that might affect someone in their family who smokes; this person could be just as addicted to nicotine as they would be to food or drugs.

– Wean yourself off gradually by cutting back on cigarettes each day until eventually quitting altogether.

– Get help from apps such as NicFit which remind users when they need to smoke so that cravings are less likely (these apps work even better with other methods such as using cold water therapy).

– Try hypnosis for a more healthful lifestyle!

Don’t drink too much alcohol

Do not drink alcohol more than 14 days a month for women and 28 days a month for men. Drink in moderation – when you do drink, try to have one or two alcoholic drinks per day rather than eating all your daily calories at once. This will help with health issues such as obesity!

Try drinking less sugar-heavy beverages like soda instead of beer; this doesn’t mean that it’s bad (in fact many health benefits come from moderate consumption!) but just keep in mind the difference between good and bad sugars so they don’t both add up too much over time.

Final words

Remember health is a lifestyle, not just something to think about when you are sick! 

Make healthy decisions now which can last for years. This will help your body stay strong and work efficiently as it ages so that health issues such as heart disease or diabetes don’t get worse because they were ignored in the first place.

In general: try to limit how much sugar you consume (both bad sugars like high fructose corn syrup and good ones). Try drinking more water instead of other beverages, eat whole foods rather than processed ones, minimize stress levels by setting aside time each day where no distractions happen – these things all contribute towards living a healthier life with fewer health complications later on down the road.

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The Benefits of Hunting for Health Fri, 23 Jul 2021 08:26:17 +0000 Hunting is a time-honored tradition that has been practiced by many people for thousands of years. It is more than just a hunting game, it’s hunting for health! In this article, we will discuss the benefits of hunting and why hunting should be part of your life. Natural antidepressant Hunting is a natural antidepressant. In hunting, you are walking in the great outdoors, getting exercise and fresh air- all of…

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Hunting is a time-honored tradition that has been practiced by many people for thousands of years. It is more than just a hunting game, it’s hunting for health! In this article, we will discuss the benefits of hunting and why hunting should be part of your life.

Natural antidepressant

Hunting is a natural antidepressant. In hunting, you are walking in the great outdoors, getting exercise and fresh air- all of which are excellent for mood enhancement! This can be very beneficial to those who suffer from depression or anxiety.

It’s also important to note that hunting offers an emotional release: it gives you something with a focus on, a goal to work for – hunting provides an outlet that is both healthy and enjoyable.

Hunting also increases your levels of dopamine, which helps control the brain’s pleasure and reward centers. This can help with addiction recovery by reducing cravings as well as increasing feelings of joy or happiness!

Hunting reduces stress

Hunting can be a great way to reduce stress. According to Wikipedia, hunting is a “relaxing and potentially therapeutic activity.” The peaceful environment of the woods makes it easier for hunters to escape their stresses from work or home life.

Hunting can reduce blood pressure and stress on the heart. This is especially true for people with chronic hypertension or high blood pressure, as hunting may be a way to help them lower their numbers so they are not taking dangerous pills every day that could lead to other illnesses down the road.

Hunting can help lower the levels of cortisol in your body. Cortisol is a stress hormone that not only increases blood pressure but also damages cells and tissues throughout the body. When hunting is combined with other methods like yoga or meditation, it may be an effective way to reduce these harmful effects on the human body.

Hunting increases vitamin D intake

Hunting is a great way to increase the intake of vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, muscles, immune system function, optimal brain health, and moods.

It also plays an important role in reducing the risk for certain cancers like breast cancer as well as protecting against diabetes type II and cardiovascular disease.


How to start hunting?

Hunting can be a good way to get exercise, eat more healthfully and find new or different hunting locations. But how do you start hunting? Here are some tips on getting started:

  1. Find out the hunting laws in your area (most states require hunters to have licenses).
  2. Talk with someone who hunts about what is needed for hunting specific animals if you want to hunt something other than squirrels, rabbits, or deer. Ask
  3. Learn about hunting safety before heading into the woods alone. Hunting accidents often happen because of carelessness like forgetting that it’s called hunting season for a reason! And stay away from downed power lines as well – there’s nothing like having an electric shock while trying to shoot a game at dusk.
  4. You can try benchrest shooting before the hunt, a scope for 22lr benchrest would be good to start with.

Why is hunting important for mental health?

Hunting is important for many reasons. The most obvious reason hunting is important is the food it provides. Hunting also plays a very large role in conservation efforts, helping to maintain populations of wild animals that would otherwise diminish from hunting pressure or because they are killed by disease and other natural causes. Another key aspect of hunting that people don’t often think about is how hunting benefits mental health!

Hunting provides a sense of accomplishment and helps to clear your mind. Hunting is also a great way for families to connect with each other out in the woods hunting together, hunting can help relieve stress by providing an outlet that isn’t always as accessible during our day-to-day lives. It’s not just about food or conservation efforts, hunting has major mental health benefits!

How does hunting help the environment?

Hunters provide state and federal agencies with hunting license fees that are used to manage habitats, fund wildlife management programs such as predator control, or purchase lands for preservation.

A hunting permit is required from states before hunting can be done within the borders of their jurisdiction.

Revenue from hunting licenses helps fund conservation efforts on public land across North America by providing funding for research projects and habitat restoration work.

In conclusion

Hunting has many benefits to offer. Not only is hunting a great way to provide food, but hunting can also help lower blood pressure and stress levels in people with high blood pressure or hypertension. Hunting increases the intake of vitamin D which helps maintain healthy bones and teeth among other things, protects against certain cancers like breast cancer as well as helping protect from diabetes type II and cardiovascular disease.

Hunting not only provides mental health benefits such as reducing anxiety and providing an outlet for those who experience depression on a regular basis, hunting even improves our environment by adding revenue that goes towards conservation efforts!

So whether you’re looking for ways to improve your physical or mental health through hunting, there are so many reasons why hunting is important. So grab your hunting gear and head out into the woods, hunting is a great way to have fun while you’re also benefiting your mental health!

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Do you know how to deal with stress? Sat, 06 Mar 2021 12:33:00 +0000 You may be interested to know that stress is not always an exclusively negative emotion. If you understand stress as moderate nervous tension, it is the basis of that stimulating force that sets your mind and body up for maximum output to achieve results. Problems arise when you cross a certain threshold – it varies greatly from person to person – beyond which this positive stimulating force becomes an obvious…

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You may be interested to know that stress is not always an exclusively negative emotion. If you understand stress as moderate nervous tension, it is the basis of that stimulating force that sets your mind and body up for maximum output to achieve results.

Problems arise when you cross a certain threshold – it varies greatly from person to person – beyond which this positive stimulating force becomes an obvious psychological problem.

If you get headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure or chronic irritability, stress may be to blame.

How do you know if stress is starting to take hold of you? If you are feeling back pain, headaches, experiencing insomnia, high blood pressure, or feeling very tired or irritable, it’s time to hit the ground running!

Do you feel like all of these symptoms are an intractable problem? Don’t worry: if all your problems are caused by excessive psychological stress, then a measured and regular physical activity is exactly what you need. It will help ease your condition and bring you back to calmness.

Muscle, joint, and back pain

Extensive stress pains are caused by constant muscle tension: for example, due to constant psychological tension, the body position changes and the muscles begin to lose elasticity and ability to move.

With the help of exercises that relax the muscles, amazing results can be achieved: such exercises include stretching; start stretching from the muscle groups where the pain is most pronounced. When stretching, hold the new body position for a few seconds, then relax and return to the starting position.

Irritation and headaches

Exercise is a great way to curb overexcitability and headaches associated with the excessive adrenaline buildup that usually occurs during stress.

The variety promotes the production of endorphins, which will give you a feeling of happiness and leave adversity behind.

Any measured exercise leads to an increase in the release of endorphins (“happy hormones”, so familiar to all athletes), which cause a complete and lasting feeling of physical and psychological well-being, reducing the effects of excessive adrenaline formation and restoring the balance of hormones in the blood.

High Blood Pressure

Stress affects not only the muscles, but also the walls of the arteries, which narrow, resulting in high blood pressure. One of the most effective ways to combat this side effect is through aerobic exercise: just three good cardio workouts a week can significantly lower your blood pressure, plus it remains stable even hours after the workout. Discover the therapeutic effect of exercise in the fight against stress: you always have an effective means to restore your mental and physical health.

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Thirst and drinking during sports Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:24:00 +0000 Our body consists mostly of water, so adequate fluid intake is very important. Fluid loss, even of less than 2% of our body weight, will inevitably affect the performance of our workouts. Perhaps not everyone knows that our body consists mainly of water, which is of vital importance. Large fluid loss, under certain circumstances, can not only be dangerous but can even lead to death, so it is very important…

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Our body consists mostly of water, so adequate fluid intake is very important. Fluid loss, even of less than 2% of our body weight, will inevitably affect the performance of our workouts. Perhaps not everyone knows that our body consists mainly of water, which is of vital importance. Large fluid loss, under certain circumstances, can not only be dangerous but can even lead to death, so it is very important to consume enough fluids. When there is a water deficit, our body creates a feeling of thirst, a mechanism that is regulated by special nerve centers. This mechanism should be listened to: when the feeling of thirst appears, the body is already sufficiently dehydrated.

Although the above is a universal rule, it is even more important for those who practice sports, because fluid loss during exercise is much higher than usual: even a fluid loss of less than 2% of body weight will inevitably affect the performance of our workouts. Let’s look at why.

The amount of fluid needed for a particular sport activity is closely related to the type of sport, which may include resistance or strength loads, as well as the climatic conditions in which training or competition takes place. The chemical energy released during physical activity is converted into heat, so the heat dissipation mechanism is fundamental for the athlete because through this mechanism the temperature increase is limited to a maximum of two to three degrees. The main tools of heat dissipation are perspiration and evaporation of sweat.

The body’s loss of water in the form of sweat during exercise leads to dehydration, and therefore it should be compensated as quickly as possible by adequate fluid intake. This not only restores the balance of water and salts, but also reduces the feeling of fatigue and helps dissipate the heat generated.

Dehydration is the reason why, in sports such as running and cycling, it is recommended to drink water frequently in small amounts to prevent feelings of thirst.

It is believed that at rest, the body consumes 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water per day. During sport training it is recommended to consume up to 1.5 liters of water additionally, starting 1 to 2 hours before the workout, and then at more or less regular intervals during the workout. After the workout, it is recommended to compensate for the loss of body weight with the same amount of fluid.

What is appropriate to compensate for the loss of water and mineral salts?

  • Water/isotonic drinks. It is best to choose non-carbonated and consume before and during your workout to continually compensate for fluids. Cool drinks are preferable to cold drinks, which can cause constriction of the blood vessels of the stomach followed by an increase in temperature. This leads to intense sweating and further fluid loss. One more thing: Glucidal (carbohydrate) beverages improve water absorption and restore the body’s carbohydrate reserve.
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Salt supplements.

Even the choice of water is very important. To make an informed choice, you should pay attention to a few rules:

  • Learn to read labels carefully and choose oligomineral and moderately mineralized waters as table drinks.
  • Avoid highly carbonated water. Although it quenches thirst better, it also causes an increase in acidity.
  • Pay attention to the values of solid residue, nitrates, sodium, fluoride and sulfates: high levels of these substances can have a negative impact on your health.
  • Make sure the container is in good condition and check the expiration date. Water in plastic bottles should be consumed within five to six months, and water in glass containers within one year.

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Practise your posture and it won’t take long to see results. Tue, 15 Dec 2020 12:35:00 +0000 Have you ever had back pain that lasted for days? Have you ever had to skip a run because your tendons hurt? Perhaps it’s because of poor posture. And this problem is not that uncommon. Walking, running and jumping, although they look natural, are not easy for our bodies. Each movement is achieved through the delicate collaboration of several muscle chains, like an orchestra playing a symphony. But even the…

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Have you ever had back pain that lasted for days? Have you ever had to skip a run because your tendons hurt? Perhaps it’s because of poor posture. And this problem is not that uncommon.

Walking, running and jumping, although they look natural, are not easy for our bodies. Each movement is achieved through the delicate collaboration of several muscle chains, like an orchestra playing a symphony. But even the best orchestra can pick up a false note. In the human body, this happens when one or more of the muscles involved in movement are tight and compressed, causing all the other muscles to work just as poorly. This problem is widespread, but it is very easy to solve.

Posture exercises

Think about the position your body is in most of the time. This is the first step in correcting your posture.

Posture exercises consist of trying to keep a proper posture at all times, i.e. keep your back in proper position in relation to other parts of your body in all major situations throughout the day.

How do you do this at work?

Static body posture for eight hours a day in the office is one of the most common causes of back pain. If this has happened to you as well, here’s what to do:

  • Distribute your body weight as much as possible on the armrests and back of your chair to reduce the strain on the lumbosacral area;
  • Change your posture every 30-45 minutes, get up and walk around to relax the lumbosacral area;
  • When sitting, avoid unnatural torso rotation. In such cases, it is better to use a swivel chair.

How do I behave in a car or on a motorcycle?

In a car, you’re not just sitting in one place – your spine is also exposed to a lot of vibrations as you ride. Not only do motorcyclists have much more vibrations, but their body posture is even more unnatural – they often lean forward very much. So what to do?

Advice is this – do not put the spine too long strain: if you have a long ride, plan a few stops to give your back a rest.

And on foot?

Do you often carry a bag or backpack? In this case, even the most natural body position – standing – will not protect you from bad posture. To stay healthy, you need to watch how you distribute the load. Always wear a backpack on both shoulders, and carry the bag alternately on the right and left shoulder, changing shoulders regularly.

One last piece of advice that especially applies to training: do not neglect stretching and balancing exercises. Stretching keeps our muscles and tendons flexible and elastic, which further protects you from the consequences of bad posture.

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